Veron Ashe

Saw and heard this man personally several years ago. The following videos are of  him preaching as a mature man but even when he was in his teens, you could tell He was in depths of God that were pretty heavy, already. 

By the time of this video he had spent so much time in prayer and study of the Word that it was like "entering another realm" when he opened the scriptures. The deepest man of the Word I have ever met, by far. 

Yet, for all his knowledge and depth of the Word, he is STILL KNOWN for HIS cry that says . . .

"There's Got To Be More" 

Veron Ashe did not just "know the Word"...the "WORD" knew him ! 

 Will they say that of you, when YOU cross your finish line ?

Bishop Veron Ashe in the two videos above KNOWS THE WORD

What could be more appropriate than a message on 

Learning to :


? ? 

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