The biggest "problem" website publishers have is that we live in a
fast paced, drive thru, microwave
In Jesus name !!
"I especially like that salvation page . . .the salvation process was well explained and some advice is provided to help in developing a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit"
" I heard the gospel preached in a completely different way that melts the heart, this will save a lot of souls. God is truly using the owner of this website to save souls"
This website is nothing more than a tool in the hand of the Master. This website has impartation on it. This website has resources for SINCERE Christian growth on it. This website has been prayed over.
Right now, the reader of this website, have been prayed for !!
GO POUR over this website. Watch the videos.
Bring a notebook :)
Let the HOLY SPIRIT minister to you. Grab you. TALK TO YOU.