The lady in this video is not lying...

If you call out to Him..He WILL save you, to 

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To help you below is a copy of the "Sinners Prayer" 

Pray the prayer, sincerely, from your heart. 

 “Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”

How to walk out the Christian life.

First, you must give your heart to Jesus Christ and repent of the sins in your life. Jesus will then take away every sin from your past from that moment on. No matter what sin you have committed, He will never remember them and His Spirit will come into you and live within you. You will have His peace and joy within, which the world can never give you. He truly wants you to go to Heaven and be blessed while you're on earth.

>>> If you have just prayed to ask Jesus to come into your life -TELL SOMEBODY about it, IMMEDIATELY [this scares the devil :) ]. Please contact me through the contact page link here. Let me know what you have done and tell me any questions or needs you may have in your new walk with the Lord ! 

Next, for you to gather or meet with other believers is important to the Lord, for in this way He can impart stuff to you, use others to help break stuff off of you and use others to teach you about Him. Now, different folks have different situations but no matter what your situation you NEED to pray HARD if you decide you are going to attend a physical church and actually become a member of a local church body. I say this because the church you attend is a VERY IMPORTANT DECISION. 

>>> Remember, you as a new convert will never rise ABOVE the spiritual level of the person(s) mentoring you ... Do they move in the gifts of the Spirit? Do they speak in tongues? Are they practicing and participating in active evangelism in their community

Will you be challenged to grow under their ministry ?

To this end I HIGHLY encourage you to look over the numerous "online church services" I have available through the ministry. 

Also, this website itself is prayed for SO MUCH, it has an anointing that can impart to you. Listen to the videos on this website. Follow the links. Go through the Bible Studies, etc., etc. 


Last, the "Links" page on this website can direct you to MANY ways to connect with Spirit empowered ministries. Every link on that page is "hand picked" and is there because I believe it has "punch" and can minister to a need in believers. 

Now, reading the Bible daily and praying, many times a day, is a good way to have a relationship with Jesus. This way, you will hear His voice. God talks to us through the Bible because every word in the Bible is God breathed. 

Learning and studying God's Word is very important. Without knowing His Word it's very hard to lead a life holy to the Lord and serve Him and be blessed ( some Christians and non-Christians literally hear God's voice; sometimes in whispers and other times His Spirit speaks into our spirits. When this happens it is like a normal conversation between two people ).

After giving our hearts to God, we must work out our salvation daily by giving up the worldly things that we have been doing before our salvation. 

> > If you really try, Jesus will strengthen you in every area of your life and you will find a joy that you could never imagine. The world can never match this joy. 

God will test your obedience and if you are sincere, God will begin blessing you beyond belief. Some blessing come quickly, while others are slower to come. This is why we have to pray continually, for in this was we stay connected "to our SOURCE"

Your name is now written in the Lambs Book of Life !! 

(Many excerpts from above are paraphrased from )

 Cross and Blood Ministry ~John 3:16 ~ Christian Resource ~ Free Online Bible Studies

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