Mary, The Queen of Scots in the 1500's, knew of a preacher of her time named John Knox.
John Knox was known for his bold, fearless, "pounding" prayer.
Mary, Queen of Scots is quoted as saying
So . . . anybody heard YOUR prayers, recently ?
Now, the following video is a SURE FIRE way to -plain and simply-
15 minute video ~ Invest in yourself
In relation to the above video there is an Old Testament pattern that perfectly lines up with the "inward witness" that we as Christians know today. It's contained in Exodus 28 where it talks of the Urim and Thummin worn by priests in the Old Testament.
The Old Testament priests (which YOU ARE today, by faith in Jesus ) wore these stones in their outer garments-RIGHT BY THEIR HEART :) . When asking for direction from the Lord and the answer from the Lord was a "Yes"-one of the stones would light up brightly. When the answer from the Lord was "No" of the stones would turn dark.
Through REGULAR prayer, God will lead you inside, with UNDENIABLE witness, in matters of decision...
Finally...the link below is for those folks that prefer pure audio :)
It is a link to an archived broadcast from this ministry, with good ROCK SOLID teaching on prayer.
Listen to it in the car..on the way to work..while cooking dinner....
Jesus is alive and well on planet earth !
Listen !!
Cross and Blood Ministry~John 3:16 ~ Christian Resource ~ Free Online Bible Studies
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