Christianity on Quora

 Christianity on Quora is a powerhouse on the internet. The newest Google update, as a matter of fact, has even got quite a few folks highly upset because material on the Quora website is now getting even higher billing than other websites out there used to get. 

My gosh.

Hmmm :) :) :) 

Google just likes the "social media" [Quora-300 million users/month] and they are in the process of rewarding it! 

With that in mind, we are going to get into the fray and put our two cents in!!

Here are noteworthy Christian publications on Quora: 

This one is, by far, the biggest Christian presence on Quora (Quora calls any individual publication over there "spaces", by the way). Boasting over 50,000 followers, 57 contributors and posting very large amounts of material, most Christians have already encountered this space on Google by normal "searching for Christian things on the internet." 

A) On their "about page" you will find the following quote:

"This is a space where it is hoped everyone who visits, if not already, will come to know and appreciate Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. This space is meant to be a safe place where people can speak freely about things they may be struggling with – seeking direction from Spirit filled Christians as they provide light from the Word of God into a person’s life. Our faith is real, and the life Jesus gives us is real."

Good stuff, for sure :)

B) Next, be "aware" that, on their "space", they DO NOT shy away from tough or hard questions or topics. Current posts on their space include (for example): "What can I do to fulfill my calling as a missionary if the leadership of my local church is not supportive?", "Is it possible for God to just not forgive me?" and "What does the Bible say about dealing with jealousy...?"  

All good material to help sharpen anyone's "spiritual sword."

:) :) :) 

There is one publication for Christians over there that we think is outstanding. It's called "DEVOTED to JESUS" and it just pumps out high quality Christian content, over and over. Some of the highly "thought provoking material" that has been published over there includes: "Sold Out for Jesus", "Spiritual Mothers" and "Letting Go of What's Dead." 

Read what's in that "space" and your spiritual growth will occur quickly!!

Last, but not least, is our own publication/space over there. Some of the items we have posted over there include: "We ALL need Jesus DAILY", "God Allows U Turns!!" and "You don't need to blindly follow."

According to Statistics:

Quora sees an average of 3,000 to 5,000 questions asked daily

99% of those questions receive an answer. 

Users have a high retention times on the platform, with the average time on the platform being over seven minutes, per session.

Over 300,000 topics are actively discussed on Quora

* * * 

Hey Christians! There are a BUNCH of active folks over on Quora!!


:) :) :)