End Times


"End Times" can be confusing to grab a hold of. Let's make is SIMPLE.

Following is a 'preface' . . . and then

things you really should know, that are happening around the world RIGHT NOW,

and that you should know about


To begin with I want to make it clear from the outset I am putting this page on this website because I want to put a fire under people, under the church and under the leaders in the church !

When I say "fire" I mean urgency. I want to upset apple carts, upset the way things have been going, upset peoples ideas, plans-the whole nine. I do not have a book to sell. Nor do I want or need to 'play off peoples fears' and get them motivated that way, either. 

All I want is for people to read the simple THREE FACTS I am about to present ...


I want to get this message out there BECAUSE I REALLY BELIEVE WE ARE THAT CLOSE. 

I want to say I don't believe we are that close..



Ready ?

Ok. First. "Preface"-To explain what I mean by "that close" I have to bring out one simple scripture. 

That scripture is in Daniel 9:27 and is the correct and very, very quoted passage when most anybody begins discussing "end times". 

" . . .And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured 
upon the desolate." - Daniel 9:27

This passage was written thousands of years ago and is recounting what happened to the author, Daniel, when he was pouring out his heart before God and asking [ in a nutshell] "How are all these things in the world going to turn out"? . In answer to his prayer the Lord sent an actual angel to Daniel and showed him a "bunch" of stuff...but all I need to do is focus on the above, single scripture for purposes of this page.

The above scripture, simply, is explaining how IN THE END OF THE END TIMES there will arise somebody called the "antichrist" (also called the "beast" in other scriptures...). This antichrist is and will be a real person and the above scripture is recounting one of the deeds that this antichrist will do (that Jesus and others referred to as a BIG pivotal point of the "end times" ) . Specifically, Jesus said when this event happens, an entire succession of BAD events will happen VERY QUICKLY...and then it's DONE 

 >>>  *** Please note, therefore, I'm NOT getting into the "if the rapture is before the tribulation, during the tribulation, etc."

>>>  To get into that would double the size of this page and I simply DON'T NEED TO for my purposes here.

(***plus or minus a few years -pre, mid or post tribulation  . . )

"It's DONE" 

Now, what the 'Abomination of Desolation' is is the antichrist himself going into the/a temple in Jerusalem and stopping the worship going on in there, by the Jews. When the antichrist does this, it's going to be very, very ugly. That is why it is called an "abomination".

That's it. That's all I need for a preface. 

-You see, in order for the Antichrist to STOP the worship, there first must be worship going on.

-In order for the Jews to be worshiping, there MUST be a/the temple they want, already built and where they are doing the 'worshiping"

Got it?

That's it.

Read on.


Point One)  Ok. The Temple itself for the Jewish people to worship in. Fasten your seat belts. There is an organization in Jerusalem-right now (January 2021)-called the Temple Institute of Jerusalem that is READY to build the temple. These folks have been researching and preparing for a rebuilt Jewish temple for dozens of years and they have got EVERYTHING READY. 

They have got ALL the "Instruments" of the Temple ready :

They have got ALL the "Garments" of the Temple ready :

They have the plans, the money, the sacrifices, the resources-EVERYTHING is COMPLETELY ready. 

Please note. They are NOT 'fooling around'. All the instruments of the temple are made of the precious metals they are supposed to made of, exactly, according to scripture. That includes gold, silver, brass, bronze, etc. The garments themselves are made from the material they are supposed to be made of, exactly designed, according to scripture. 

And on and on . . .

 > > > They are READY to build !

There is ONLY ONE THING they need to begin building. The word of "OK" to begin building. That's it. "Permission to build" . . . and then however long it takes to construct the Temple (couple months ? )

Point Two) That lovely thing almost everybody has heard of, called the "mark of the beast". Scripture says that:

" and he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." -Revelation 13:16-17

This scripture simply makes it known that the antichrist ("beast") will utilize technology available at the time, to cause a  "mark" to be implanted on peoples foreheads, or in their right hand, without which no one will be able to buy or sell anything.

Been to a grocery store recently ?

That little bunch of lines that the scanner picks up ?

Well, the technology the antichrist will utilize is not only ALREADY here . . .

Since at least 2009 people have ALREADY been implanting relevant information ( like in the bar codes) in a chip, in their hands or foreheads. Identification info, banking info, medical info, etc. that the current scanner technology simply 'scans'. 

 People all over the world have already been implanted and are currently using a chip implanted in them to conduct all sorts of business. Employees, banksmedical information -and the list goes on and on. Literally, thousands of people, across the world, are ALREADY "chipped" .

Point Three) The devil is a real being and part of the reason the world has got such 'messes' in it is because the devil has 'always' tried to copy God, steal things from Him, etc. 

Well, here in the end days, is no exception. 

Now, track with me here. When Jesus came on the scene the first time the Bible has at least 62 references to a man who was  known as "John the Baptist". Scripture explains that the ENTIRE role of  this "John the Bapist' was to prepare the way for Jesus to come, IMMEDIATELY afterward. 

Well, God is allowing the devil to 'copy' Him on this one (just a "bit") and is PERMITTING mr suckerface (devil) to have a 'forerunner' before his 'antichrist'-called the "false prophet"

Scripture explains that this 'false prophet' will help prepare the way for the antichrist and be 'in league' with the antichrist. 

In case you have never been taught any specifics on this, I'm going to point out now that the ANTI christ is TOTALLY against Christ, Christians, Christianity, Jesus, the Cross, etc. etc. The antichrist wants to propagate EVERY religion on the planet EXCEPT CHRISTIANITY . The antichrist wants and will demand all people fall in line with a "one world religion". 

All this is why he is called "THE" anti christ.

Got it?


Now, I'm about to get "very down and dirty here". I'm going to name a name, soon. Get ready.

There is someone on the planet, right now, who is speaking VERY much against Jesus and "Christians". As a matter of fact he has been telling Christians it is "NOT" their job to evangelize. This man has said that "Jesus is NOT God". This man has said that the "cross was a failure". This man is and has been DRASTICALLY working very hard for and towards a "one world religion" (MINUS the "Jesus bunch"). He has called for a "new economic model" across the world. This man has actually sat down at meetings with major religious leaders and signed pacts with them, pushing for a ONE WORLD RELIGION. 

Pope Francis. Current Pope of the Catholic Church.

The current, right now, Pope of the Catholic church is the one who has done all those things listed above. He has "tons" of influence world wide . It has been prophesied that he may be the last Pope


You do not need a degree in theology, or have to have read every book or scripture that could possibly relate to end times to grab a hold of the above. I truly hope the above "sets you on fire" (to go out and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT ! ) Yes, I KNOW  there are tons more details that could be poured over concerning this entire subject. That is all they are, however. "DETAILS".


>>> The temple the Jews need is waiting on ONE WORD to begin building. After that word..the Temple can be erected in a matter of months. Temple built-Jews worship starts . . .

>>> The technology the antichrist needs to propagate the mark is already worldwide and is SITTING AND BEING USED IN GROCERY STORES ACROSS THE WORLD, ALREADY 

>>> The current Pope is not 'demonstrating' he wants a one world religion. He has ALREADY had meetings and signed treaties with MAJOR RELIGIOUS LEADERS of OPPOSING FAITHS urging the creation of a one world religion "as fast as possible", etc., etc. 

Jesus said we would know "it is very close when we begin seeing all these things coming to pass"

The temple is a 'word away'

The mark is HERE

The preparation by the/a false prophet-so the antichrist can begin rising up-is ALREADY happening

I have a kid that is 25 years old.

We are IN the END of the end times