Large Lemons Testimony
The man in the video above simply decided to take the Bible VERY literally. The harvest he got from it is quite remarkable.
If you think about it, however, the ENTIRE bible is quite "remarkable"!!
:) :) :)
The Lord has instructed me to produce this page on "Teaching the Tithe", so here goes.
First off, when it comes to tithing -and money in general (from a true Christian perspective) - there are a couple of "truths" I'm going to point out.
A) The first point is in the form of a question. The question is this:
By your ACTIONS, do you demonstrate to the Lord that you truly trust HIM . . . MORE than your money, or your job . . . or your . . . (fill in the blank.) ?
God sees and marks down everything you do, including how you treat the money that He allows to pass through your hands ( Mark 12:41). Each time you get a/any "chunk" of money, the Lord see's -and diligently tracks- what you do with it.
Please remember also, the Lord is always thinking from an eternal perspective.
Scripture points out that -
“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." Matthew 6:24
Where are you DEMONSTRATING your trust?
He's looking to develop you for eternal things.
Please let Him.
B) There is lot's of talk in the church world about how to grow in the Lord, 'what is the will of God for my life?' and all that sort of stuff. What is not often talked about, where discipleship is concerned, is not what color pants should you wear in the morning, or what food should you eat today kind of stuff
Have you (are you) really diving into the Lord, scriptures, prayer and 'growing in the things of the Lord' to the point where you and your finances are a living demonstration of God and His promises here on the earth?
It's relatively easy to attend church, participate in church programs and sing in the choir.
Have you, however, "worked" with God, where your money is truly concerned and proven ALL of His promises and intentions for you?
Could it be that you've got a lot of the truths and principles correct
there are still areas the Lord is dealing with you on...He wants to get over to you . . . to help you..
One of those areas being "you and your money"
Bible References:
"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."- III John 1:2
Above . . . all things
AS...they soul prospers
:) :) :)
"The thief cometh not for to steal, kill and to destroy, I have come that they might have life and have it in abundance" -John 10:10
C) The more EXACTLY you follow scripture, the more "exactly" you will get the results surrounding that scripture.
VERY good case in point:
In that example they "called for the elders". "They anointed with oil. They made him confess his sins.
Now..are you ready for what I have to point out in regards to this "principle", where you and your giving to the Lord are concerned?
Here we go :)
Scripture says-
"Upon the first day of the week, let every one of you lay aside in store as God hath prospered him, so that there need be no gatherings when I come."- 1 Cor 16:2
The "truth" concerning your or any giving to the ministry, or work of the Lord, is to get it ready, prepared and intentionally brought to church, ready to give, WEEKLY.
-If you need to, watch the above clip from Lisa Bevere, again.
-Further, if you 'sow' monthly, don't expect miracles EVERY week. Now, if you do 'sow' weekly . . .
:) :) :)
I know this is not a widely taught scripture. I don't care :) It's BIBLE . . . and I will always give folks who are part of my ministry the TOOLS and the TRUTH.. to be FULLY AND COMPLETELY
If you think about it, preparing and planning your finances and giving weekly forces you to focus your faith and to keep "short accounts" , with the Lord and where your finances are concerned..
You WANT that, don't you??
D) Next principle is one that is taught often in the church [ thank God!! :) ], is very true, and needs to be pointed out here.
In the natural the type of ground and how you treat any seed you have sown literally means the difference between success and failure.
Exact same thing happens in the Spirit.
~ Fertile Ground :) ~
So, in a word don't throw your seed on a trash heap and expect awesome results. It ain't gonna happen
Now, plan your giving, talk to the Lord about every seed and intent that you sow . . . and direct those seeds where you KNOW the kingdom of God is advancing . . .
Well . . .
You tell me :)
Now, before we wrap up this teaching on tithing there is one more point that I want to be sure to cover. The point is that I have, at times, heard some folks say that the tithe is a principle or a truth from the Old Testament and - as such- we no longer have to follow it.
Ah are correct that Malachi, Leviticus (where tithing scriptures are found) and such are all found in the Old Testament. If you want to try and use that approach, you better be prepared to take your stand on what the New Testament therefore says in regards to giving.
The new testament plainly teaches that EVERYTHING you are and EVERYTHING you have are all totally in and under the ownership, rights and control of the Lord.
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."-Romans 12:1
The Word of God is the Word of God. All of the Word of God is still and always be the Word of the Living God.
Pay your tithes. Pay the tithe.
God sees . . .
And He wants III John 1:2 for ALL OF HIS CREATION!!
:) :) :)
Here is an online church podcast I did years ago where the title of the message was simply "Tithing" . . if you want even more teaching and knowledge on the subject
This teaching touches your heart?
We are super, super hot ground around here!!
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