Saturday, June 29, 2024

Amazing . . . :)


No "words"

Just listen

Lift Up Your Praise!!

 Lift Up Your Praise!!

He deserves the honor!

He deserves the glory!

Don't let the rocks cry out


:) :) :) 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Are you a soul winner?

 Are you a soul winner?

Is your Pastor a soul winner?

If not..why are you going there?

Just askin'

:) :) :) 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

He that hath An Ear....

 He that hath An Ear....

It's not that the Lord ain't talking

It's that we've put on the earphones...

and some of us aren't listening


Be one that LISTENS!!

Bible has Your Answers

 Bible has Your Answers

End times? It's got it

How to pray? It's got it

How to get your prayers answered?

Got it

Look it up

It's WORTH IT !!