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Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Jesus replied: “A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, ‘Come, for everything is now ready.’“But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, ‘I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me.’“Another said, ‘I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I’m on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.’“Still another said, ‘I just got married, so I can’t come.’“The servant came back and reported this to his master. Then the owner of the house became angry and ordered his servant, ‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.“‘Sir,’ the servant said, ‘what you ordered has been done, but there is still room.’“Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full. I tell you, not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.’”
Jesus knows what He is talking about. This parable is in THE WORD OF GOD.
Are you a Christian/Pastor involved in ministry, evangelism, outreaches, community service?
If you are currently "ministering" to folks who have been in church for several years..and they STILL are not on fire"...
This parable is for you.
Our Lord is DONE with the "lukewarm"
Go get the ones on the highways...and the byways...