Sunday, September 27, 2020

Whose Side Ya' On ?

God has changed the landscape of the church. In a few short months, everything that can be shaken-has been shaken.

The corona virus was simply a 'dry run'. More shakings are coming. 

So, with that in mind...

"Whose side are you on?" 
Link to all the videos in this series:

Link to the end times chart shown in this video:

"Pastor John Hagee: Coronavirus: Dress Rehearsal for the New World Order"

Can you trust the Bible? Christian Scientist shows evidence the Bible is a SUPERNATURAL book ! You can and better trust EVERY LETTER !! :)


Monday, September 21, 2020

I've seen this country. Been across this country. Pastors, Church leaders, Campus leaders, Ministry leaders, etc.


 -AND they need to KNEEL DOWN... in that prayer closet. 

(Actually, it would be a good thing if the knees of Pastors across this country are making grooves in the floor where they are praying...)

 -They also need to GET TO KNOW the WORD-The Bible-like their "life depended on it" 


-The "Leaders" of the Church need to PREACH IT HARDER !!

Link to all the videos in this series:

A simple, short one page testimony of someone who had a vision of the end times:

Beginning in 2020, there is a 'new' normal...and we (the church) need to GET THERE !!